The Role of Women in Electoral Politics: Challenges and Opportunities

Introduction: The Silent Revolution in Democracy The integration of women in political life is one of the most important but underrated modern-day revolutions. Women have demonstrated their ability to lead on numerous occasions, from suffrage campaigns to breaking the highest glass ceilings. Even though they are more numerous in democracies, they are under-represented in decision-making … Read more

Climate Change and its Impact on Rural and Urban Electoral Participation

“The ballot is stronger than the bullet.” – Abraham Lincoln The global climate crisis has far-reaching consequences beyond sea level rise and glacier melting. Climate change is no longer only an environmental issue; it has evolved into a complicated social, economic, and political disaster. Its impact on democracy, particularly election participation, is one of its … Read more

The Role and Significance of Civil Society in Modern Democracy

In contemporary political discourse, civil society is a term with dual meanings. First, it refers to social institutions like schools, churches, and peer groups that support and legitimize the state, aligning with Antonio Gramsci’s theory of civil society as a stabilizing force for capitalism. Second, civil society is understood as public interest organizations and social … Read more

Liberty, Equality, and Justice: Balancing the Pillars of Democracy

The essence of democracy lies not merely in its procedural aspects—elections, legislatures, or constitutions—but in its enduring commitment to certain ideals. Among these, liberty, equality, and justice stand as the unshakable pillars upon which the edifice of democracy is built. These principles are not static; they are vibrant forces, constantly interacting, often clashing, and yet … Read more

The Role of Technology in Electoral Reforms

In the rapidly evolving digital era, technology has played an important role in revolutionising worldwide electoral processes. The influence of technology on electoral changes, from increasing transparency to empowering citizens, cannot be emphasised. As democracies advance, the incorporation of technology promises to address long-standing issues while also opening up new prospects for equality and efficiency. … Read more