The Role of Women in Electoral Politics: Challenges and Opportunities

Introduction: The Silent Revolution in Democracy The integration of women in political life is one of the most important but underrated modern-day revolutions. Women have demonstrated their ability to lead on numerous occasions, from suffrage campaigns to breaking the highest glass ceilings. Even though they are more numerous in democracies, they are under-represented in decision-making … Read more

The Influence of Feminist Theory in Global Politics

The feminist movement’s catchphrase, “The personal is political,” accurately describes the major shift that feminist thought has caused in world politics. Feminist theory provides a critical lens through which to interpret and reorganise the world in an era where power relations and decision-making mechanisms are more scrutinised. It has transformed international relations, governance, and diplomacy, … Read more

Liberty, Equality, and Justice: Balancing the Pillars of Democracy

The essence of democracy lies not merely in its procedural aspects—elections, legislatures, or constitutions—but in its enduring commitment to certain ideals. Among these, liberty, equality, and justice stand as the unshakable pillars upon which the edifice of democracy is built. These principles are not static; they are vibrant forces, constantly interacting, often clashing, and yet … Read more