BIMSTEC: A Bridge Between South and Southeast Asia

Regional cooperation is crucial for promoting social progress, political stability, and economic prosperity in a world that is becoming more interconnected by the day. The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), a crucial link between South and Southeast Asia, is one such potential partnership. BIMSTEC, which consists of seven member … Read more

River Revitalization: A Global Perspective on Sustainable Development

Rivers have long been the lifeblood of civilizations, shaping cultures, economies, and ecosystems. Yet, as human activity intensifies, our rivers are under siege. Pollution, over-extraction, and encroachments threaten these crucial arteries of the Earth. However, hope is not lost. Across the globe, nations are taking bold steps to breathe life back into their rivers, offering … Read more

The Role and Significance of Civil Society in Modern Democracy

In contemporary political discourse, civil society is a term with dual meanings. First, it refers to social institutions like schools, churches, and peer groups that support and legitimize the state, aligning with Antonio Gramsci’s theory of civil society as a stabilizing force for capitalism. Second, civil society is understood as public interest organizations and social … Read more

The Crisis of the Nation-State: Searching for a New Global Order

Throughout human history, various forms of state systems have evolved, but none have succeeded in providing lasting peace and security. From the ancient Greek city-states locked in perpetual conflict to the expansive Roman Empire that failed to forge social solidarity among its diverse peoples, the pursuit of stability has been elusive. In the medieval era, … Read more

“Power, Authority and Legitimacy: Foundations of Governance and Social Order”

                                                Authority = Power + Legitimacy The Essence of Authority: Power and Legitimacy Authority is fundamentally composed of two interconnected elements: power and legitimacy. While these concepts may seem intertwined, they are distinct in both nature and function, working together to create stable and enduring systems of governance and influence. Power: The Force Behind Command … Read more

The End of Ideology: A Mid-20th Century Perspective

In the mid-1950s and 1960s, a significant discourse emerged regarding the status of ideology in the modern world. Intellectuals in Western liberal-democratic societies proclaimed that the age of ideology had ended, viewing it as a tool of totalitarian regimes rather than a feature of open societies. This notion posited that at an advanced stage of … Read more

The Shadow Crisis: How Climate Change Fuels Invisible Crimes and Exploitation

Introduction: The Unseen Storm of Suffering When we think of climate change, the first images that come to mind are melting glaciers, increasing sea levels, and unpredictable weather patterns. Beyond these apparent manifestations, there is a pervasive sense of hopelessness that disproportionately affects the world’s most vulnerable people. Human trafficking and sexual assault thrive in … Read more

The Concept of Human Rights and the Three Generations of Rights

Human rights are the inherent rights to which every individual is entitled simply by virtue of being human. These rights establish the standards for the provision and expansion of civil, political, and socio-economic freedoms and are deeply intertwined with the concept of justice. The very essence of human rights originates from a long history of … Read more

The Influence of Feminist Theory in Global Politics

The feminist movement’s catchphrase, “The personal is political,” accurately describes the major shift that feminist thought has caused in world politics. Feminist theory provides a critical lens through which to interpret and reorganise the world in an era where power relations and decision-making mechanisms are more scrutinised. It has transformed international relations, governance, and diplomacy, … Read more

The Doctrine of Equality and the Debates on Reverse Discrimination

The Doctrine of Equality and the Debates on Reverse Discrimination “The defect of equality is that we only desire it with our superiors.”– Henry Becque Equality has long been a cornerstone of societal and political discourse, but its interpretation and application often remain contentious. The modern concept of equality is derived from the theory of … Read more